Monday, May 5, 2008

Luther on The Ascension

In honor of Ascension Sunday, Dr. Martin comments:

“My Lord Jesus Christ is Lord over death, Satan, sin, righteousness, body, life, foes and friends. What shall I fear? For while my enemies stand before my very door and plan to slay me, my faith reasons thus: Christ is ascended into heaven and become Lord over all creatures, hence my enemies, too, must be subject to him and thus it is not in their power to do me harm. I challenge them to raise a finger against me or to injure a hair of my head against the will of my Lord Jesus Christ. When faith grasps and stands upon this article, it stands firm and waxes bold and defiant, so as even to say: If my Lord so wills that they, mine enemies, slay me, blessed am I; I gladly depart. Thus you will see that he is ascended into heaven, not to remain in indifference, but to exercise dominion; and all for our good, to afford us comfort and joy.”


  1. Speaking of Luther,R.C. had a video on his site recently. He called it the insanity of Luther. R.C. said that Luther was not the type to have a pleasant debate with. Words such as "idiot" and "fool" were directed to his adversaries. Sproul also said Martin was a big hypochondriac. Anyway it shows me that Luther was very human indeed. But yet what a great contribution he made to the church.

  2. Luther is an excellent theologian! Yeah Scott, I caught that last week on Sproul's site! Luther(Spurgon & Apostle Paul)are is such a contrast to the extrovert and shallow preachers we find on tv and in mega churches today.

  3. Yes Ken,heavy on the shallow! Makes you wonder what Luther and Calvin would think if they saw the circus on Christian TV!

  4. Maybe they'd call for a round of stiff drinks and then pray for the "new" rome.
