Someone asked...
"In God's eyes, what are you worth?"
I say, "Nothing!"
Yup! And not just me...all of us put together are worthless.
"All have turned away, they have together become WORTHLESS; there is no one who does good, not even one." (Rom 3:12)
Outside of Christ there is NO worth.
"But I thought we were 'worth Jesus' to God"
Then you've missed the whole point of the Gospel and Grace! God didn't send Jesus because we were 'worth Jesus,' but because we were NOT! In fact, we were worse than worthless:
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us...when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son."
In other words we were disgusting and opposed to Him.
"But weren't we made in the Image of God?"
Yeah, and everyone of us trashed that image. The whole point of an image is to accurately reflect its Object, it has no substance of its own. So it's not a term to get egotistical about. It is not a point of pride!
Now before you get your psycho-babble, SELF-esteem knickers all in a twist, what you need to "develop in" is "Christ-esteem," NOT self-esteem. Only then will your life be a God-honoring expression of what He wants you to be. Because, "your life is now hidden with Christ in God."
Remember: Outside of Christ there is NO worth. Anything you have or are is only legitimate because of Him. You have no identity outside of Him. Everything good about your life is ONLY connected to Him.
So quit worrying about your worth, get your mind off yourself! And thank God that Jesus is Worth it all! It is ALL because of HIM!!!
God is the only one who possesses intrinsic worth. A creature's worth can only be derived from and given by his creator, and in light of the purpose for which the creator made him. Christians should have no trouble affirming all of this, and those who find it difficult to accept what Scripture explicitly teaches should reconsider their spiritual commitment, to see if they are truly in the faith.