Saturday, August 7, 2010

The biggest shift in thinking when it comes to worship services

Do we take the thing people need and treat it like medicine that must be administered with a spoonful of sugar? 'Cause that's what the "dirt-bike on the stage" approach essentially means: we take something lost people find cool or appealing or attractive and use that to lure them in for the thing we know they don't find cool or appealing or attractive, thereby communicating that "Yes, we know this is the not so cool part" and then try to convince them it's really the important thing. But we've already demonstrated even we don't believe that. Or else we wouldn't feel compelled to dress it up with a dirt-bike. --Jared Wilson

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1 comment:

  1. It all seems so simple why it doesn't work...why don't more people understand that? Probably because they really like the dirt bikes.
