Monday, June 23, 2014

Why Would You Want to Be in Heaven?

 --by Colin S. Smith

Whom have I in heaven but you?  Psalm 73:25

Imagine Joe and Mary, a young couple engaged and about to be married. The wedding is just five days away, and Joe takes Mary out for a candlelit dinner.

“Five days to go,” Joe says, “I can hardly wait for Saturday to come.” Mary smiles as she looks into his eyes across the candles. “Tell me why you’re so excited about Saturday.” Now, all Joe has to say is, “Because on Saturday I get to marry you!”

But instead, Joe says, “I can’t wait for Saturday, because my great uncle Jack is coming in from Boston, and I haven’t seen him for years!” Or, “My college friends from the football team are all coming into town, and we’re going out Friday night!” Or, “The reception is at the Grand Hotel, and the food there is awesome!” These things may be wonderfully true. The problem is that by making them his focus, Joe has completely missed the point!

Surveys show that something like 90% of all Americans think that they’ll be in heaven. A good question to ask is “Why would you want to be in heaven?” Your answer to this question will be one of the most revealing things about you.

If your life on earth is about people, pleasures and possessions, that will probably be your idea of heaven as well. There is no more room for Christ in some people’s view of heaven than there is in their life on earth.

Why would you want to be in heaven?

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