Thursday, October 1, 2015

Gleanings 10-1-15

"We've wrapped our definitions of worship around music instead of truth."
"Mature Christians are easily edified."
"When we choose preferences over truth we've adopted the attitude of 'my way is Yahweh.'"
"With God, it is possible that Artistry can accompany humility and not be shut down by it."
"When are we going to stop trying to make worship relevant to the people instead of depending upon the Holy Spirit to make people relevant to the worship of God." --Harold Best

To call a Christian a theist is roughly equivalent to calling the space shuttle Atlantis a glider. —R.C. Sproul

“We do not know all that we are, nor are we exactly what we know.” --Jacques Paliard

To “contemplate” God is to enjoy him, to relish him, to rest satisfied in him, to rejoice in him, to be filled up to joy inexpressible because of who he is and all that he has done for sinners in and through Jesus. To practice our "religion" is to be enthralled with God’s beauty and mesmerized by his majesty and filled up with fullness of joy and pleasures that never lose their capacity to satisfy, all of which overflows in love for and service to others so that they in turn might likewise come to sense and savor the sweetness of God, to enable men and women to see, know, and be ravished by the beauty of God! --Sam Storms

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